In Blunder, Wonder, Thunder: Powering your Practice to New Heights, coach and counselor George Hartman explores the life cycle of a financial advisory practice through the Blunder, Wonder and Thunder stages and traces the processes advisors should implement to build a successful and enduring practice.
Using case studies and coaching sessions based on the experiences of 6,000 advisors he has counseled, George translates the theoretical into the practical; with the addition of Action Plans at the end of each chapter, he provides a step-by-step guide to a booming business. Whether advisors are setting out to build their practices or nearing the end of their journeys and planning their exits, Blunder, Wonder, Thunder provides an entertaining yet practical road map.
Every advisor who reads this book will come away with a renewed sense of urgency to be the best he or she can be — and will know just how to attain that goal.